Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Idea Time

I need ideas from everyone! As you may or may not know Gaige's birthday is coming up. I want to start some birthday traditions for our family but i need some ideas. So let me know what you do with your kids/family or any creative, fun things to do for a first birthday!!! Thanks I know you will not let me down!


ScHnEiToWn said...

my sister in laws family has a fun tradition for bdays. Gage is a maybe too little to appreciate it now but they have a special plate that only the birthday person gets to use. its bright red so it sticks out from everyone elses. i found a cute one at Harmons that has a big bday cake on it and i have adopted that tradition.

Meg & Josh said...

I'm so glad you found me! I love your blog, it's darling.

I can't believe Gaige is almost a year. That flew by so fast! If I rememeber correctly, him and I almost shared a bday. Lucky kid. :)

Ashlee and Sam said...

I dont have any ideas but I found your blog and wanted to say hi. That picture of you guys at the game is so cute. We should go walking more often, I know I need it.