Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Brandy tagged me and I have never done a tag so I figured I should do it this time!

Where is your cell phone? On the Kitchen counter
Where is your significant other? Work
Your hair color? Ask Brandy, she mixes it up
Your Mother? Probably doing genealogy
Your Father? Getting Old
Your favorite thing? Long, Hot Baths
Your dream last night? That we were living in Todd's Parents basement again!
Your dream/goal? Save more money!
The room your in? Sitting on the couch in the family room
Your hobby? Good question, I've been trying to find one.
Your fear? Socks
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Hopefully done having kids and just raising them.
Where were you last night? At the Temple
What you're not ? A good singer
One of your wish-list items? A pool
Where you grew up? Riverton
The last thing you did? Put up winter decorations.
What are you wearing? P.J.s (I know its 11:00 am but I'm so comfy)
Your T.V.? My addiction
Your pet? Remington, she is outside playing with her doggy friend Rincon
Your computer? what!?!
Your mood? Relaxed
Missing someone? YES
Your car? Toyota 4-runner
Something you're not wearing? socks-refer to fear question
Favorite store? Target
Your summer? Fun but short
Love someone? Yes
Your favorite color? brown i guess/maybe
When was the last time you laughed? This morning
Last time you cried? Last night


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cute Gaige!

I though I would share some of the cute things Gaige has been doing lately.

He found this hat in a drawer the other day and asked me to put it on him, he wore it around for almost an hour and thought he was so funny!
He is also learning to feed himself as you can see he needs some more practice! He tried to show Teegan how to do it too! He is growing up fast!


A few weeks ago, ( I know I am way behind!) We went over to my Moms to rake her leaves. Of course we require that she pay us with homemade chicken noodle soup and clam chowder! YUMMY! After dinner Chad graced us with his recorder skills! Yes he still remembers how to play it!

Sorry Kristen, I didn't have a good picture of you so you didn't make the blog!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hey Ladies!!!

Well I was recently informed that my little brother is not on many pictures on my blog. So I have decided to give him his fifteen minutes of fame! I know I'm pretty darn nice. I asked him to email me some pictures and this is what I got!

burt- here are some classy pics for your blog. notice that i have a gun in each pic. and in the classy one i have on a gun holster and a dale earnhardt number 3 tatoo. not jr. the original dale. and the other pic is of a giant rock chuck that i shot in the head and it squirted blood for about 6 feet. awesome!!! anyway these pics should be great additions to your blog and they represent me very well. i thank you for your efforts on this project and look forward to the final results. hopefully the result of this will be me finding a classy lady friend to be my bitch..... uh i mean my wife. please inform me via text message when you have completed this assignment. in the words of def leoppard- Let's get the ROCK outta here!!!! Jake
So if any of you single ladies are looking for this, let me know! I know it is hard to believe that he is single but he is! (That is a root beer by the way, and no I can't explain how I turned out so normal and he turned out so weird!)

Monday, October 6, 2008

This is Gaige

I thought i would write a few things about Gaige and what he does at one year old.

  • He loves his dog, he like to climb over her and give her hugs. She loves to lick his face and she tolerates the climbing.
  • One of his favorite toys is the drum sticks from rock band. Silly kid! Maybe one day he will be a famous drummer but for now the carpet will do. Of course he tries to hit everything he shouldn't but mostly he hit the floor or his toys.
  • He likes to go for walks in his wagon.
  • He gives head-butts if you ask him too! Ha
  • He can say Hi, No, Uh-oh, Da da, Dog, and Ma ma.
  • He crawls pretty fast and he is working on walking.
  • He likes to climb into his chair in his room with a book and pretend to read it.
  • He loves music, in church when we sing a hymn he doesn't move and just listens.
  • He can climb stairs but he hasn't learned how to go down them yet
  • Whenever the back door opens he stops what he is doing and waits a minute to see if Daddy is home!
  • He has seven teeth!!!
  • His new thing is to stick his finger up his nose. He doesn't get anything out he just lets it hang out in there. The other day he had it in a little too far and gave himself a bloody nose!

This past year has been such an adventure for us. I love my little man so much. Every day he does something new and Im so glad that i get to stay home with him and watch him grow. It is truly amazing that one year has come and gone. Time flies when youre having fun! I love you little buddy and I am so excited for our next adventures!

Gaige is ONE!!!

What a day! This is how he woke up, a little confused on why i was singing to him first thing in the morning! (Im not usually that chipper!)

I may not be the worst mom ever but i forgot to order him a birthday cake. So after i had a freak out moment I ran to the store, when i got home Todd said he had taken a funny picture of Gaige while i was gone. Apparantly he managed to go into our bathroom and sit in the dog food bowl. Not sure how he got in there but im glad Todd could stop laughing long enough to get the camera!!

This is his first fourwheeler! He loves it! He doesn't know how to make it go yet but im sure he will figure it out soon!

We had everyone over for dinner and cake!

I think Dad enjoyed this present a little more than Gaige! Im going to have to hide it from both of them!

He wasn't really into opening the presents so I got to do it! He loved to play with all the new stuff though! Thank you to everyone for all the great gifts! He is one spoiled kid!

Grandma Sheri put the recorder toy in one of the boxes and Gaige decided to climb in and get it! Ha Ha! He is so stinkin cute!

Cake Time! (Thank you to Harmons who saved me, who forgets to order the most imprtant birthday item?)

He made a bit of a mess with his cake. He didn't eat any, but he managed to throw some around.

He was pretty tired by the end of the day, Mema got him right to sleep!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Picture Time!

Last week Gaige had some pictures taken for his ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY! We went to a place called star mill in American Fork, way cute, fun place. My new photographer friend Sara did a great job! Gaige cooperated at first and then it was liked he lost his smile or something because he would just stare at us! Of course once we let him just play and do his own thing he became the happy smiley boy that I know.So here are some pictures I stole from saras blog (hope she doesn't mind.) This is just a taste so stay tuned for more!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Last night Gaige taught himself to climb the stairs! The poor kids legs are all scraped and dry because he was climbing the front porch! I was playing fetch with the dog and Gaige was playing in the dirt, (making mud with his drool,) then I looked over and he was on the second step working on the third! What a kid, I have to keep my eye on him every second. Every day he learns something new! What next? Walking I guess!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Idea Time

I need ideas from everyone! As you may or may not know Gaige's birthday is coming up. I want to start some birthday traditions for our family but i need some ideas. So let me know what you do with your kids/family or any creative, fun things to do for a first birthday!!! Thanks I know you will not let me down!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Labor Day Fun

Friday,Up at six to meet the girls (Anna C, Sheri, Brandy) then off to Swiss days! Then a quick stop at coinstar for Brandy and the traditional McDonalds and on our way to Midway. Todd surprised me with some cash so i was in the spending mood! We all found some great buys! Sheri got the broomstick she missed out on last year! She and Brandy almost lost there lives running across the street but it was worth it!!
When I got home Todd was all ready to go camping so we headed off to twelve mile.

Brandy and Easton Tie Dyeing
I put Gaige down for a nap and about 15 min. I went to check on him and this is what I found. Kind of hard to tell but he has the blanket on his head. He wasnt moving so I thought maybe he had fallen asleep sitting up so I just watched hem for a min. then he reached his hand out of the blanket and touched his head and started laughing so hard. I just kept watching him and for about ten min. he rolled around with the blanket on his head then he would sit up and laugh. What a cute kid! Easily amused I guess!
Todd bought Gaige a wagon before we left and Im glad he did! Gaige LOVED it. They also went on a secret trip to Cabellas while I was at Swiss days. He is starting young.
Todd took easton hunting with him on Sunday night. Easton will tell you they didnt see any deer because none of them had antlers but Todd says they saw about ten doe.

Brandy and Scott brought the bounce house which the kids played in for about fifteen min.

Bye Bye Mullet

On August 27th 2008 we said goodbye to Gaiges baby mullet and hello to the faux hawk! Of course Grandma got to do the honors and you can see from the pictures that he liked it at first but by the end, not so much!

I'm glad I had the camera, Todd had the tough job of holding his head. Well it was worth it he looks super cute!! Thanks Grandma!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My sisters birthday was on the 17th, so i had the fam over for a barbecue. I also surprised her with her favorite cake, cherry chip. She loved it. She turned 29 for the fourth time! Nice try Kristen, just face it, you are getting old! Jake and Kristen
Dad just waking from a nap! Kinda scary!

We went over to the park to play basketball. We played pig, I was eliminated first of course, and Jake won, Of course! (why did he get all the skills?)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh baby Gaige

These pictures are from two weeks ago when I was watching Teegan. Gaige likes to take his binki from him but he doesn't know how to use it. These are the many ways he tried.

The Steal

He is so mean! Sorry Teeg

Trying to be nice.

Trying to get it in his mouth. Not quite right buddy.

Then he decided to push it around on the floor and scoot after it. (Don't worry crystal I washed it off)

Not even close.